This Sunday
At times, we post a “Meditation for Preparation” in advance of Sunday which will be a short devotional that focuses on the theme of the sermon for that Sunday. This page also contains our blog, on which we post important announcements. You can also hear the songs that will be reinforcing the truths for the Sunday ahead in the Spotify playlist below.
To watch our livestream, check our Facebook Page at 10:30 on Sunday mornings!
Meditation for Preparation
COVID-19 Update
UPDATED AUGUST 28, 2021, 1:46 P.M. Due to a potential Covid-19 exposure, the elders believe it is best to move to online only for Sunday, August 29. Any questions can be directed to one of our elders. ...
Meditation for Preparation: November 8
Preparing Our Hearts for Sunday As I've studied Titus 2:1-10 this week, I am aware that there are some touchy areas in the text, and I found Dr. Daniel Akin's conclusion to this section particularly helpful. I want to quote him at length here: The implications of...
- Aug. 2, 2023 — Men’s Gathering (Chris Gotreaux’s House @ 6:30 p.m.)
- Aug. 9, 2023 — Women’s Gathering (Location TBD @ 6:30 p.m.)
- Aug. 13 — Interest and Planning Meeting for Fall Festiville
- Immediately after morning service
- Aug. 20 — Church Family Picnic at Kees Park
- 4:00 p.m.
- Bring a picnic to feed your family plus one additional person
- Sept. 3 — Visionary Parenting Class Begins
- 4:00-6:00 p.m. for 8 weeks
- Deadline to sign up is August 13
- Childcare is provided
- Text Rebekah Christian to sign up
- Sept. 17 — Baby Dedication in morning service
- Sign up with Rebekah Christian