2 Timothy 4:1-5 — “Preach the Word”

     The following are the beginning paragraphs of an article that appeared today on Desiring God called “Am I Sitting Under Healthy Preaching?” I would encourage you to read this article, because David Mathis takes the key phrase “sound teaching” and its relative “sound doctrine” from the Pastoral Epistles (1 Tim., 2 Tim., and Titus) and seeks to explain what Paul means whenever he uses them. I pray it prepares your heart for our time together this Sunday!


     Organic? Free-range? Many of us are learning to consider the long-term effects of what we’re eating. What consequences will the hormones pumped into the chickens and cows produce for me and my family over time? How harmless is it to consume a “genetically modified organism”?

     Such questions, of course, can be overdone, but for many, these are sober-minded, diligent concerns. Especially when we’re not just choosing our own food, but sustenance for others, even our children. And if such bodily concerns can be of some value (1 Timothy 4:8), should we be any less careful about our spiritual diet?

     Week after week, Christians sit under the preaching of God’s word in worship. How do we know if the food we’re receiving is spiritually healthy? What will be its long-term effects on our soul-health? If I keep feeding on this teaching, will my spirit be better off for it, or will I look back someday and wish I’d made wiser choices? . . . .

Read the rest at Desiring God.